If you don’t have a chance to use a gaming platform or devices, then you can play Business battle with a game set. In the game set there are idea cards, sales report sheets and enough play money for players.
Get a Game SetThe size of the room should be chosen based on the size of the group. Business battle can be played in various group sizes 15-100 players. Make sure the room is not either too small or too large for the group. A usual classroom can be used if the number of players is 15–30.
The teams sit behind tables. We suggest 3-6 persons per one table as it's the optimal team size.
As we want to make people move and interact to create a marketplace in this game, make sure you have enough free space between the tables or separate empty marketplace area for players to gather.
A good and stable internet connection is also required, as the gaming platform updates data in real time between all devices.
Optional: If you have a projector then show the players the report from the game platform. Or use white board to visualise the results of the sales stages.
Game story & Rules
First attempt at sales
Analysis of first sales
Improved product & pricing
Final analysis of sales
The introduction consists of several activities: game story, game rules, forming teams, finding a business idea, creating a strategy and entering the game platform.
Tell the players the story of the game.
“You are starting entrepreneurs, who enter the market with some crazy ideas. In the market there are other entrepreneurs, who also have innovative and potential ideas, for example some of them might sell DNA converters and some of them might sell mirrors that show the future. Your goal is to outperform other entrepreneurs in the market, where every player has 200 units of the money, but companies have only 0 units. Winner is the company that has earned the most by the end of the game.”
The rules of Business Battle are:
Form at least 4 teams, which each have 3–6 members. Name the teams by the names of the companies in the game platform, such as Team 1, Team 2 and so on.
Deal one idea card for each team. And let the team choose one idea from the card. That idea becomes their business idea.
Optional: If you have more time, you can let players generate business ideas themselves. For example, you can use a brainstorming method for this. Do not give them too much time for this, 5-7 minutes is enough.
Form at least 4 teams, which each have 3–6 members. Name the teams by the names of the companies in the game platform, such as Team 1, Team 2 and so on.
The next task is to come up with a strategy, how to sell a product or service.
The players should keep in mind that besides selling their own product/service, they are in the customer role too. So the market is made up of the players and they start selling products/services to each other.
Share players access to the Bizplay gaming platform.
Now the real sales work begins. The players start moving around the room, interacting, and making deals. Facilitator role is to observe. If it seems that players are passive in the first place, the facilitator role is to supportively activate players and to help players get the experience of coming out of their comfort zone.
The analysis consists of several activities: analysis, market changes, and new strategy.
Next players finish all the pending transactions and track that has all the money received. Facilitator makes a summary of the first sale stage. Helping questions:
Optional: If you have a projector then show the players the report from the game platform. Or use white board to visualise the results of the sales stages.
Tell the players that all individuals will get more money and the market will change. You can add more money to players on the gaming platform.
Now, the players have to change their strategy based on previous experience. The teams can change everything about their idea – both the price and the product or service itself.
Now the real sales work begins. The players start moving around the room, interacting, and making deals. Facilitator role is to observe. If it seems that players are passive in the first place, the facilitator role is to supportively activate players and to help players get the experience of coming out of their comfort zone.
Next players finish all the pending transactions and track that has all the money received. Facilitator makes a summary of the second sale stage and the whole game. Helping questions:
Optional: If you have a projector then show the players the report from the game platform. Or use white board to visualise the results of the sales stages.
Now you have finished the reading part. In case you want to understand the game even better, watch some additional videos.
Watch a video about what kind of preparations a teacher should do to ensure a fun and successful game with students!
Watch a video about how the roleplay works and you see a quick walkthrough of the game.
Watch a video about what kind of functions are in the Bizplay gaming platform for facilitators.
Watch a video about what kind of functions are in the Bizplay gaming platform for players.
Now that you’ve read the instructions and watched videos, it’s time to try it out yourself!
Setting up a game takes just a few minutes, so click below to start.