Kursuse sisu
Overview of Business Battle
What is needed to play the game?
Host a Business Battle
Instruction of Business Battle

Facilitator – Adding and taking money

The guide can also add money to players and companies, as well as take it away from them. It is only necessary to add money to the players.

1. Select ‘Participants’ from the menu on the left and click on the orange button ‘Make transaction to all …

2. Select ‘Add’, enter the amount, and press ‘Edit

3. Select the recipients and press ‘Next’. Only individuals can receive money in the game (‘Select all players’). 

4. When the transfer details are selected, press ‘Proceed’.

5. The facilitator must confirm the transaction.

6. Now, all players have more money on their account. You can view the players’ account balance in the table. 

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